Equinox Brings Burcham-Henge

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Friday, September 22, 2017, 8:00 am
Aron Sousa

Right on schedule, Burcham-Henge has appeared.

This is the annual phenomenon by which the sunrise lines up perfectly with Burcham Drive between Abbot and Hagadorn Roads on the celestial equinox. The photo above was taken yesterday morning about 7:30 a.m.

Equinoxes occur twice a year, in September and March, marking the time when day and night are of equal length on earth.

We asked Scott House, East Lansing's Director of Public Works, if he knew whether it might be the case that Burcham Drive was purposefully set up to align perfectly east and west when it was laid out years ago. House isn't sure of the answer to that, but he provided us images of the properties and streets in East Lansing from 1874, 1895, and 1914 showing that Burcham Drive is a relatively old road. Take a look. (The orange arrows point to Burcham Drive.)

Editor’s note: The name “Burcham-Henge” is not official and was coined by this reporter about two years ago. (It is a reference to Stonehenge.)

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